Fun game we play huh?
Like realism mixed in with this fun game?
Well.... lets talk about a topic that came to my mind after talking with Joel Bey about the legal weights and why they are called "legal" and what the consequences of being over weight are!
The fines and laws vary by state, but no doubt, they are all bad, and costly, you could pay heavy fines, loose your license, or even worse..... jail time!
Scs had made the game so that the weights didnt mean shit, been countless times ive went across a scale and seen 82,000.... yep no fine, no nothing.
In reality thats BIG no no, and drivers go out of their way to avoid scale houses if they are overweight or fear they are.
Some scales will allow you to pull around and slide your tandems or fifth wheel in an attempt to
make your legal axle weights.
34,000 trailer, 34,000 tractor drives, 12,000 steers = 80,000
if you cannot get it right you will end up with one of the above fines, and an out of service status and cannot move until someone from your company or the shipper, comes to you to "rework" the load.
In the recent updates, scs has done better with making the loads below 80,000 gross, but this is still something to keep in mind, about realism while your playing...
its all fun and games..... in the game.... not in real life!
links are provided so you can see your states laws, and every state, to kind of get an idea of the