Welcome to Paradigm Transport.
Home of the finest operators in the world!
That statement alone is something we strongly stand behind! It's more that just words or an everyday expression.
With a need to facilitate a desire to achieve a deeper realistic experience, and backed by a team of creators and designers with over 38 years of real world driving experience.
Paradigm Transport was built on 3 core ethnic's.
Self Management
Those 3 ethnic's are the foundation to which Paradigm Transport and everything we do is built upon. You have to have the Integrity to do the right thing when no one is around to see it. You have to have the Honor to be trustworthy. You have to be capable of Self Managing yourself.
If any of those 3 key ethnics fail, then the entire process and system will fail, and everyone of your peers who have worked and spent time upholding those ethics and foundation will be for nothing.
Paradigm Transport doesn't hire drivers... It acquires owner operators!
Paradigm Transport is small and highly selective in its owners. With that, it comes the prestige and pride of knowing your a part of the foundation. We don't have company drivers here, and no one will hold your hand here. Paradigm Transport as stated before was created due to a lack of realism and the dilution of the entire ATS and Truck Simulation experience, you won't find farms here, or planes, or ship's, or race car's.
The term "VTC" once ment Virtual Trucking Company, but at Paradigm Transport, we feel that term has become something to synonymous with everything but truck driving, and or the running of an actual business. So we choose to stay away from that acronym, and use what Paradigm Transport is, a "FBS" Financial, Business, Simulator.
Driving a truck is more than just driving a truck... and at Paradigm Transport, most everything that can and will happen in real life will affect your operation of your truck!
So if you feel you don't have the time, or will to do the right thing, then Paradigm Transport isn't for you, and you're not for us.