This is the format that should be used exactly as posted to request a load when not a preplan or you have ran through your preplan.
Load request example format is exactly as follows----------------
current city
current location / company your sitting at
number of hours remaining on your 70
any preference of direction of dispatch, optional ( not guaranteed to accommodate )
Your hours of service is ran on a 70 hr weekly clock, you will start at 70 and minus the loads time, and 1 hour for loading and 1 hour for unloading and 30 min for fueling.
Time increments are in quarters example--------
15 min = .25
30 min = .5
45 min = .75
so 3 hrs and 45 min would be 3.75 hrs
allways round up on your time to the nearest quarter mark.
If a load says it takes 22 hrs to run it, you would add 2 hours to the load, 1 for loading, and 1 for unloading...... basically add 2 hours to every load, then deduct that total from your 70
Every 70 you max you reach is considered 1 full week, and you must "reset", reset is just a counter for us, or a number only.
every 4th reset you will pay your monthly bills, it is the operators responsibility to keep up with their resets and hours, its your licence, its your truck, its your lively hood on the line!
You are to not to run ANY load without being dispatched! Failure to do so could result in separation from the company.
The following pictures show examples of the dispatch system and how to accept and run dispatched loads.